Logos & Branding

Creating Your Logo

Your logo is your business ID card, completely unique and utterly yours

An innovative logo design should clearly and consistently identify your business or organisation to your customers in the marketplace.

A logo should be seen as a clear marker. It is the main graphical element of your company, and it can (and should) be applied consistently across all marketing collateral, including signage and promotion, business stationery and billboards, premises and vehicles, social media, and more.

The design process

I take the time to understand your company or organization, the emotion and understanding you want to give potential and existing customers, and the direction in which you want your business to head.

With that thorough background information, I develop several logo ideas and work with you to hone in on the right one.

Once satisfied we’ve found your logo, I then provide you with technically correct files for application and distribution across all media types.

Logo Redraws

Over the years, I’ve seen my fair share of logos that need redrawing or a refresh. These updates have been due to many reasons… previous agencies not handing over all the proper files, companies feeling they’ve outgrown their original design, or because I saw a way to make an upgrade, bringing new life to a company’s visual brand.



Regardless of the backstory, whenever asked to help with a logo, I take the same care, curiosity, and creative flair with all.

And when you ask me to do your logo, I always supply all files required to ensure the appropriate and technically correct logo is ready for printing and online.

Your Visual Brand

Your logo is the initial step of developing your creative visual brand. Although critical, it is only one element.

A company’s branding is a greater strategy and combination of marketing tools and visual elements. Altogether these help people quickly identify and develop an emotion or opinion about a company.

I create powerful visual branding assets for your business or organization, helping show off the personality and vision of your team.

This can be as simple as determining the best fonts and colours for your company’s business cards, to as complex as creating regular social media content, advertising or packaging collateral.

Logo design

Visual brand wrangling